Selank – Nootropic Peptide

Selank vial for anxiety reduction, cognitive enhancement, and mood stabilization.

Buy Selank from Peptide Hackers

Theoretical Analysis of Selank

Chemical Information

  • Chemical Formula: C33H57N11O9
  • Molecular Mass: 751.89
  • Synonyms: Selank
  • CAS Number: 129954-34-3
  • Vial Size: 3ml
  • Vial Contents: Lyophilized Powder (>99% purity)


Selank is a synthetic peptide derived from the naturally occurring tetrapeptide tuftsin. It is known for its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and nootropic (cognitive-enhancing) effects. Selank has been researched for its potential to improve mental performance, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall cognitive function. Buy Selank from Peptide Hackers to explore these benefits in your research.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Anxiolytic Effects

    • Buy Selank to reduce anxiety without the sedative effects commonly associated with traditional anxiolytics.
  • Nootropic Properties

    • Buy Selank to enhance cognitive functions, including memory, learning, and attention.
  • Immune Modulation

    • Buy Selank for its ability to modulate the immune system, making it potentially beneficial for stress-induced immune suppression.
  • Combination with Semax

    • When used in combination with Semax, another nootropic peptide, the synergistic effects can lead to enhanced cognitive benefits and improved mood regulation. Researchers can buy Selank to study these combined effects.

Research Uses and Mechanism of Action Studies

  • Anxiolytic Effects

  • Cognitive Enhancement

    • Selank improves cognitive functions by enhancing memory, learning, and attention. Research explores its potential in treating cognitive decline associated with aging and neurological disorders.
  • Immune System Modulation

    • Selank has immunomodulatory effects, which can help in managing stress-related immune suppression. Studies focus on its ability to modulate cytokine levels and enhance the body’s response to infections and stress.
  • Combination with Semax

    • The combination of Selank and Semax can produce synergistic effects, enhancing cognitive function and mood regulation more effectively than either peptide alone. Research investigates the combined use of Selank and Semax for improved mental performance, reduced anxiety, and overall cognitive enhancement.

Product Usage

Research Designation This PRODUCT IS INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL ONLY. This designation restricts the use of Selank strictly to in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only.

Important Usage Information

  • Bodily Introduction: Any form of bodily introduction into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law.
  • Handling: This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals.
  • Misuse: This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and must not be misbranded, misused, or mislabeled as such.
  • Legal Disclaimer: The information provided here is intended solely for research and educational purposes and should not be used for any unauthorized applications.


Buy Selank from Peptide Hackers if you need a powerful research chemical with notable anxiolytic and nootropic properties. It enhances memory, learning, attention, mood regulation, and protects the immune system from stress. Remember, we only sell for research purposes, and it is illegal to use it on the body. More research is needed to fully understand its potential and safety.